Sobre estética
Obras de referência
DUNAWAY, J., SPRINGSTED, E. O. The beauty that saves: essays on aesthetics and language in Simone Weil, Georgia, Mercer University Press, 1996.
Textos para download
BAKER, T. C. Praying to a absent God: the poetic revealing of Simone Weil
BARNAUD, J. M. Le dialogue Joë Bousquet Simone Weil et la question: "Comment vivre en poésie?"
BEATTY, G. "Dedicated to Simone Weil"
BRUECK, K. T. The redemption of tragedy: the literary vision of Simone Weil
GIZELLA, G. Simone Weil, critique littéraire, sur le surrealisme
GRACZYK, P. Simone Weil - love and language
GUTBROD, G. L'approche acroamatique de la poésie de Simone Weil
GUTBROD, G. Théorie et pratique de la poésie chez Simone Weil
GUTTAGLIERI, M. M. Bellezza e trascendenza in Simone Weil
HOWE, C. Cultivating Hope: Simone Weil, "metaxu", and a Literature of the Divine
HOWE, C. Towards a poetic of hope: Simone Weil, Fanny Howe and Alice Walker
MARKER, C. To disarm the Gorgon: Weil´s Platonic Cinema (part one)
MARKER, C. To disarm the Gorgon: Weil´s Platonic Cinema (part two)
NEGRI, F. Simone Weil e la "percezione perfetta" del mondo
TAIOLI, R. Sulla poesia di Simone Weil
Teses e dissertações para download
ALFIER, D. A Metaehical Study of Simone Weil's Notion of Attention - Through Critical Practical Analogy. Tese, Artes, 2011.
GRIFFIN, G. The influence of the writings of Simone Weil on the fiction of Iris Murdoch. Tese, Filosofia, 1989.